Showing all posts tagged "Swift"
Breakpoint Swift Deinit in Xcode
Setting up the Breakpoint
It's actually very simple to breakpoint the deinit method of a Swift class. Given a class called Test47, the symbolic breakpoint merely looks like this:

And that's about it.
- If there is no body to your deinit method, the breakpoint will not fire (it gets optimized out or something similar).
- There is no difference in syntax, for the Xcode symbolic breakpoints, between class and instance methods.
- There are no deinit methods for structs, so your SOL on that one.
Posted on September 12th, 2017
Lazy Array in Swift
Obviously if you google "lazy array in Swift," you'll find out the right way to do this, which uses NSPointerArray and whatever else. As you should.
But sometimes you want to make your own to see how far you can get in half an hour with generics. Here's my naive implementation.
import Foundation
private class WeakWrapperAnyObject> {
weak var thing: T?
init(_ thing:T) {
self.thing = thing
struct WeakArrayAnyObject> : Sequence {
private var array: [WeakWrapper<T>] = []
var count: Int { return objects.count }
init(_ objects: [T]) {
var objects: [T] {
get {
let retVal: [T?] = { $0.thing != nil ? $0.thing : nil }
return retVal.flatMap { $0 }
mutating func append(_ object: T) {
mutating func append(_ objects: [T]) {
array.append(contentsOf: { WeakWrapper($0) })
mutating func compress() {
array = array.filter{ $0.thing != nil }
// MARK: - Sequence Protocol methods
typealias Iterator = IndexingIterator<Array<T>>
func makeIterator() -> Iterator {
return objects.makeIterator()
let firstObject = NSString(string: "one")
var things = WeakArray([firstObject, NSString(string: "two"), NSString(string: "three")])
for thing in things {
print("Just one \(thing)")
Of course, I did have to look some stuff up, particularly to understand how easy Sequence was to implement (since I already have an array).
Posted on August 19th, 2017